1st day in the morning (AM) program started with name games and getting to know each other: Name and a hobby, Name and a gesture, Collective portrait and migration, Team building activity: Work in 3 groups by making puzzles with tasks written on puzzles: 1st group to make a short video about teamwork, 2nd group to calculate average age of all participants of the event and 3rd group to take portrait photos of all participants and a selfie of the whole group. A short intro to the project was made including presentation of the project and program of this activity. Preparation for the workshop at school – participants were split in 6 groups to moderate 6 workshops at school and the plan of workshop was presented by introducing Roger Hart’s ladder of participation and World cafe method. This was followed by discussion in plenary. PM Workshop in the school consisted from short video about democracy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6jgWxkbR7A&t=4s, quizz, videos made by young people from Sabac during local activities inside this project, and World cafe – youngsters were split in 6 groups for debate (which starts with questions about age, meaning of the word democracy and important values), than youngsters with moderators discussed different elements of social, economic, cultural, ecological and political environment that impacts on their lives and optionally to make a short video in each group. The work of the day was finished by presentations of conclusions by moderators (debriefing in working space after workshop in the school). 2nd day in the morning participants were introduced to representatives of local institutions and NGOs working with young people and young people. Representative of city council of Sabac explained the ways of youth participation and youth policy at local level. Together we underlined in groups major issues affected young people and democracy and youth policy at local and European level. After that participants drafted recommendations for youth participation in democratic life and decision making process in countries involved. This session was continued in the afternoon only by participants. Prezentation was in plenary followed by debate. At very end participants evaluated the activity.